I've always been dirty.
Soil, sweat, granola bar crumbs. Nature has taken me in for as long as I can remember.
My heart has been grounded in the Pacific Northwest since birth, but the seas quite literally have taken me to shores all over the world.
In my first life, I was a Marine Biologist destined to perpetually have sand in places it might still remain to this day. It was a decade full of Environmental Impact Assessments, satellite beaches, and realizing we had deep systemic sustainability issues beyond a handful of photogenic species.
The second chapter had me battling the food system and the packaging that came with it in Asia's urban jungle. It was in the Vegas of the East (Macau) that I cut my teeth in start-ups and the wild west of the CPG market, all while helping to grow urban gardens and break barriers for food production and the import/export regulations that were holding sustainable solutions back from SMEs.
Living in Macau, China and launching initiatives, businesses, and programs in a place where things move at lightning speed meant crafting words that were concise enough to translate and powerful enough to move.
Today I aim to create meaningful change by making earth issues digestible.​ The Evergreen Zine is my portfolio and also a place to amplify sustainable themes that need a bigger voice yesterday. Sustainable commerce, circularity, climate change, wellness, and the food system.
"Anything else you're interested in is not going to matter if you can't breathe the air and drink the water. Don't sit this one out. You are by fate alive at an absolutely critical moment in the history of our planet."
-Carl Sagan